Monday, May 19, 2008

Creative Computing - Week 9 - Streams (2)

etc etc..

This week I have kept the synth simple once again and focused on gaining a fundamental understanding of the subject matter. The 'Event' class was a bit tough, but up to the end of the 'Environment' section I believe I'm on the right track.

I wanted to incorporate the Pbind class in some way, but time has restricted me to utilising the Pshuf and Pser objects. These are organised into a shuffled list of Pser's that exist inside a Pshuf Object and have similar but varying data for musical effect. I have included nil values at one index of each Pser list to give some rhythmic variety. The clever touch this week was getting a task to exist within another task. This allowed the patch to play through the shuffled sequence via the internal task and repeat it exactly or partly according to a preset variable. The external or 'superTask' as I have named it then reshuffles the list and the new list is played through the desired number of times.

Click here to link to online folder containing SC file and an MP3 example.


Haines, Christian. "Creative Computing - Week 4 - Streams (2)." Lecture presented at tutorial room 408, level 4, Schultz building, University of Adelaide, Thursday 15th of May 2008.


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