Creative Computing 07-09-06
Creative Computing 07-09-06:Plogue Bidule – click go the binary shears….

Bidule grouping was an easy enough task to perform. The polyphonic adapter proved to be a little more elusive in displaying its core functionality. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to apply polyphony to a stochastic midi device or note extractor, I discovered that the group itself needs to be created and self contained first, then polyphony could be applied to the newly created synthesiser. Armed with my newfound satisfaction, I discovered a different source of frustration contained in Plogue’s audio output: rampant clicking, at every note on / note off (very annoying, listen to audio example for clarification). This still occurred, even after I followed the patch building pattern in chapter eight of the help manual to the letter, grrrrr!
Hopefully my audiwoes will be resolved with a simple solution on Thursday…
Listen ye! To the awful price……..of polyphony (170KB Mp3)
Christian Haines. ‘Plogue Bidule’. Lecture presented at the Audio Lab, 4th floor, Schulz building, University of Adelaide. 07/09/06.
Funnily enough the PC version of Plogue Bidule doesn't seem to be causing clicks at all... try that with your Bidule patches, I'm interested to know if you still have the same issues.
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