Forum – Week 4 – Semester 2, 2008: “Composition Workshop”
In the purest sense of the word: “a joy that comes from within for no apparent reason.”
Sonic analogies this meaning conjures:
1. Sustained root position major chord in the mid-range with root note doubled in the bass.
2. A happy dog trying to talk.
3. A perfect pinch harmonic from an overdriven electric guitar.
4. Laughing children.
5. A crowd roars for the winning goal (whatever that may be).
“The feeling of wonder stemming from recognition of one’s own ignorance.”
Sonic analogies:
1. An augmented 7th chord of any kind.
2. A carefully controlled explosion – recognition creates an explosion of new ideas.
3. Sweep of white noise increasing in volume – fresh mindset allows new ideas to wash in.
“Fearlessness and self-assurance with complete control over one’s ego.”
Sonic analogies:
1. Chunky overdriven electric guitar power chords.
2. Simply harmonised orchestral strings playing 5ths apart in staccato.
3. Cheesy Hollywood cinema brass music ala ‘Superman.’
4. Cheetah taking down a gazelle.
Interesting, the Karuna rasa is described as ‘sadness’ on I guess this could fall under the heading of ‘compassion’ but love/erotic?
Sonic analogies:
1. Slow, gentle romantic piano music in a minor key.
2. Slow, gentle romantic piano music in a major key.
3. Sombre major or minor chords.
4. Gentle ocean shoreline waves and bird song.
Another discrepancy with the findings of my research but anger and fury are easy to convey in my opinion – see below.
Sonic analogies:
1. Screaming death-metal vocals.
2. Machine gun fire.
3. Violent uncontrolled explosion.
4. Hacking and pounding into flesh with breaking bones and squibbing blood splats.
A demonic and useless emotion that leads to depression: “disgust and loathing” (of oneself and/or others.
Sonic analogies:
1. Vomiting.
2. Atonal screeching of anything.
Fear is the product of ignorance, apparently. So next time you’re stuck in a dark alley being knifed, just remember – only an ignorant fool would allow themselves an indulgent dose of fear at this point.
Sonic analogies (in this case it’s the sound of my perception of fear – not the sound of ignorance, whatever that may be (Pauline Hanson perhaps?)):
1. Cold heavy bricks scraping one another.
2. Howling icy wind.
3. Booming thunder.
4. Sombre Russian male choir singing very low and sustaining forever.
Sorrow or more specifically “grief”.
Sonic analogies:
1. Russian folk music.
2. Metallica’s “Fade to black”.
3. Exhausted weeping.
4. Chromaticism and excessive rubato in a minor key.
“Peace man.”
Sonic analogies:
1. The pentatonic scale.
2. A sustained 5th chord in perfect tune.
3. Bird-wings flapping in slow motion.
4. Gentle wind rustling long grass.
Whittington, Stephen. “Forum – Week 4 – Semester 2, 2008: Composition Workshop.” Workshop presented at EMU Space, level 5 Schultz building,
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