Friday, August 24, 2007

Creative Computing - Week 5 - Synthesis (2) - Vibrato, FM and Waveshaping:

Creative Computing - Week 5 - Synthesis (2) - Vibrato, FM and Waveshaping:

I think I’ll add trying to be clever and failing miserably to my list of attributes next time I compose a resume. The task of creating an FM synth was not in itself difficult, but trying to add some useful GUI features to a scenario that uses poly~ was a different story.

A new and visually informative interface...

Poly~ is a very confusing and temperamental object to use. Its arguments and supposed input commands seem to be recognised on an almost random basis. If you examine my patch, I have gone to considerable trouble attempting to alleviate some of the clunky and confusing user issues I had with last week’s approach, by trying to incorporate dynamic GUI features that highlight some of the current conditions in poly that one may want to be aware of. These include: which note is the current target, which notes are muted and which notes have their windows open.

One of the poly voice instances..

These features all operate correctly as far as I can tell, but poly~ refuses to accept input to certain voices for no good reason that I can decipher. Despite containing ten instances of the djd-fmsynth~ patch, it will only play back one at a time, and even then only 10 or 1 it seems. I have well and truly run out of time to look into this further but if anyone has suggestions based on their own success, then I’ll be glad to listen…

Click here
to link to online folder containing this weeks disappointing result.


Haines, Christian. “Creative Computing – Week 5 – “Synthesis (2) - Vibrato, FM and Waveshaping.” Lecture presented at Tutorial Room 408, Level 4, Schultz building, University of Adelaide, 23rd of August 2007.


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